Sunday, July 8, 2012

O'Malley Alley Tyler Adopt-a-Thon

On Saturday July 7th, 2012 O'Malley Tyler held the I O'Malley Alley Adopt-a-Thon at PetSmart. We met lots of people, many of them were interested in our babies, so we could say it was a great first experience!! We are planning to host them possibly twice a month.

We still have around 40 cats and kittens available for adoption! Some of our babies are at the Adoption Center at PetSmart. Go by and adopt them or contact us via email or Facebook message. We have all our babies in our FB page, look for us and like us: O'Malley Alley Cats- Tyler TX. That is the best way to keep up with us!

Thanks for spreading the word!!

1 comment:

  1. We need help finding a home for a female cat.

    She also needs to be fixed and update on shots.
    We rescued her after being hit by a car.
    The vet we took her to found 2 pellets from a pellet gun in her abdomen. They should probably be removed also.
    She is all healed up from the car accident and very sweet.
    She was too weak for anything until now.

    We have already put $500+ into her. We would greatly appreciate it If y’all could help out with spaying, pellet removal and shots. If you are not able to please let me know of anyone you know that might be able to!

    Contact me by cell please 903-258-2622

    Thank you!
